Instagram recently launched their YouTube competitor called Instagram TV (IGTV). In this post I am going to share some of the tips and tricks that a real estate professional should implement while launching their first channel on IGTV.

Quick Note: I am also going to refer this app as IGTV throughout the post.

What is Instagram TV (IGTV) Exactly?

Instagram TV is a standalone video platform where you can watch videos from your favourite influencer in any given niche or topic. This means if your real estate business focusses on a particular area, you should definitely jump in on Instagram TV to gain a following before another agent joins the platform.Instagram TV user interface Android

The main difference between the normal Instagram app and IGTV is that you can create content that are longer than 60 seconds. However, one key differentiator between IGTV and YouTube is that you can only post vertical videos in your IGTV channel.

The reason why Instagram decided to launch this service is to capitalize on the ever-growing mobile video consumption trend. It is estimated that over 75 percent of all video consumption will take place on mobile devices by 2020. IGTV seems like a logical move after reaching 1 billion active users in June 2018.

How Should You Incorporate Instagram TV For Your Real Estate Business

The question that might be popping in your head is how can you take advantage of IGTV in it’s early days. Well, there are a lot of ways you can grow your audience and gain lots of free traffic to your real estate website.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can use IGTV.

#1 Know The Difference Between Content on Instagram and IGTV

Instagram should still be one of the main channels for promoting your real estate business. As a matter of fact you should still post stories of open houses, listings and other related content.

Your IGTV channel should be used for long form content. For example, you can share snaps of open houses on your stories and a full 5 minute walkthrough of the property on IGTV.

#2 Share Real Estate Trends On IGTV

IGTV is also a great place to share real estate trends in your area and how homeowners can capitalize on them. Think of content that you would post on YouTube and make sure that you shoot them using the vertical phone camera.

#3 Complete Client Testimonial Videos

If you have a new client testimonial video coming up you are in luck. Make sure that you ask the client to send you a testimonial using the vertical front facing or rear camera of the smartphone.

Hire a videographer or use any video editing app to compile all of these testimonials into a nice IGTV video. Upload it on your IGTV real estate channel.

Final Thoughts On Instagram TV For Real Estate Agents

Instagram just launched this service and you can expect IGTV to add a ton of features to help grow your channel. You should link up your existing Instagram account with IGTV and create your channel as soon as possible.

IGTV Download Links

Click Here to download the Google Play version Click Here To download the Android version

Click Here to download the iOS version Click Here To download the Android version